Our Privacy Policy

Philip Goacher Associates – Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is updated to reflect the new GDPR rules which came into force on 25th May 2018.


  • Data Subject refers to our Client.
  • Personal Data means the contact details of the Data Subject.
  • Special Categories of Personal Data refers to information on a Data Subject’s race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious or philosophical beliefs, political beliefs, etc. Philip Goacher Associates does not possess, nor process, any Personal Data of this kind.
  • Project means the activities that Philip Goacher Associates has been instructed to undertake on the Client’s behalf.

Our obligations

  1. Any Personal Data provided to us by you will be:

1.1 Kept securely (password protected and held within locked premises)
1.2 Kept for the duration of the project.
1.3 Passed on to appropriate Approved Contractors where necessary to facilitate the project.
1.4 Stored until we are no longer obligated to hold Project details according to our Professional Indemnity insurance [12 years], upon which all information will be destroyed.
1.5 Not transferred out of the European Economic Area.

  1. Philip Goacher Associates will share information with contractors only for the purpose of facilitating the Project. Our Approved Contractors agree to

2.1 Keep Personal Data securely.
2.2 Keep Personal Data for the duration of their involvement in the Project, after which they will destroy it.
2.3 Only pass Personal Data on to Sub-Contractors where necessary to facilitate the Project.


  1. By sharing Personal Data with Philip Goacher Associates, it is assumed that the Client consents to our use of the Data for the purpose of completing the Project that Philip Goacher Associates has been instructed to undertake. In order for Philip Goacher Associates to complete projects, it is necessary to share Personal Data with Approved Contractors, who in turn will share it with their Sub-Contractors.
  2. By instructing Philip Goacher Associates to undertake a Project on your behalf, we assume that you consent to our processing of your Personal Data in the ways outlined previously.
  3. Philip Goacher Associates makes the assumption that Contractors and Sub-Contractors abide by the GDPR and as such Philip Goacher Associates is indemnified against the actions of Approved Contractors in handling Personal Data.


  1. Personal Data will be held in the manner outlined unless you explicitly expresses, in writing, that you wish to have your Personal Data destroyed.
  2. If you exercise your right to withdraw consent of the handling of your Personal Data before the Project is complete, Philip Goacher Associates will not be held liable for the unsuccessful completion of the Project or delays caused as a direct result of the lack of Personal Data, and no action will be taken against Philip Goacher Associates. Philip Goacher Associates will be entitled to full settlement of any fees incurred.

From 25th May 2018 onwards, for any new instructions to us, we will assume that the Client (“Data Subject”) consents to our use of their Personal Data in the ways outlined above. Should you not agree to our terms, please contact the Data Protection Officer to discuss.

Data Protection Officer: Alice McLaughlin (Business Manager)

Email:  mail@pgoacher.co.uk

Tel: 01903 217723

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